Nerub-ar Palace
Race to World First Day 6: Ky’veza falls and the Silken Court rises
And Nexus-Princess Ky'veza is down: after multiple sub-1% pulls yesterday, Team Liquid killed Ky'veza after 304 pulls.
Race to World First Day 5: Nine guilds, one Ky’veza
The fight against Nexus-Princess Ky'veza continues as neither Team Liquid nor Echo managed to snag a kill, even though both guilds have now gotten Ky'veza very low.
Race to World First Day 4: Four guilds fighting Ky’veza, and our first raid nerf
Three more guilds have downed Ovi'nax to join Team Liquid in struggling with Nexus-Princess Ky'veza as the Race to World First for Nerub'ar Palace continues.
Race to World First Day 3: Broodtwister Ovi’nax down… and now the race gets really difficult
Team Liquid claimed another world first by taking down Ovi'nax after 120 pulls — and as of this writing, the rest of the Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First is still progressing on this worm.
How to queue for the Story Mode Queen Ansurek fight in The War Within
Raiding in Nerub-ar Palace is in full swing at all levels of play in The War Within, from the Race to World First to LFR, but one difficulty is new: Story Mode, which allows anyone to enter a solo version of the Queen Ansurek fight with a party of NPC allies and see an abbreviated version of the encounter.
Race to World First Day 2: No more world firsts, but much more competition
About twenty guilds have hit 4/8 Mythic in Nerub-ar Palace, but no one has killed Broodtwister Ovi'nax, the first boss these raid groups haven't steamrolled over.
Ranking the Nerub-ar Palace tier set looks from best to worst
With the second week of The War Within Season 1 upon us, it's time to once again don our fashion critic helms and evaluate the looks of the Nerub-ar Palace tier sets.
Race to World First Day 1: Four bosses down, but the race hasn’t really started yet
Nerub-ar Palace opened on Mythic difficulty on NA realms on September 17, which marked the official start the Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First.
It’s Race to World First day, and The War Within servers are back online after a longer-than-expected maintenance
After The War Within Season 1 started last week, I know players are all eager to jump online and check their Great Vault this morning to see what's shown up.
Nerub-ar Palace is the first raid in The War Within, and it opens September 10 (that’s today!) on Normal, Heroic, and Raid Finder difficulties
The first raid in the current World of Warcraft expansion, The War Within, is the Nerub-ar Palace, and it's opening September 10.