Officers Quarters
How to know when it’s time to change your guild’s focus or disband
Several guilds I’ve known for awhile are ceasing guild raiding as Azshara's Eternal Palace opens.
Tips for creating a great guild in WoW Classic even though everyone you know is broke
The guild creation buttons haven’t evolved much from the day I stood with my co-founder in the square in Goldshire nearly fifteen years ago and paid people the phenomenal sum of 1 gold to sign our guild charter.
Officer’s Quarters: Finding the right officers
In my previous column, I discussed figuring out how many officers you actually need to help you run your guild.
Officer’s Quarters: How many officers do you need?
Guild structure is a fluid thing in World of Warcraft.
Officer’s Quarters: Filling rosters; tips on recruitment
In the last column of Officer's Quarters, I provided tips on dealing with someone who implies they know more about how to run your guild than you do.
Officers’ Quarters: When a raider quits
When longstanding members decide to depart, how do you break the news to the guild?
Officers’ Quarters: Guilds in the Battle for Azeroth
BlizzCon dropped quite a few bombs on the WoW community: classic WoW realms, game-wide level scaling, and a new expansion.
Officers’ Quarters: Switching mains in Legion
Raiding can be hard work, but it's so much worse when you're not enjoying your class.
Officers’ Quarters: The boom/bust cycle of recruiting
Of all the aspects of guild leadership, the one I'm asked about most frequently is recruiting.
Officers’ Quarters: 10 tips for progression
With the Tomb of Sargeras recently released, many guilds are still progressing through their difficulty of choice. Here are ten tips to help officers, and especially raid leaders, guide their guilds to victory against the Legion!