Old Horde
The history of Death Knights leading into Wrath of the Lich King
Before the Frozen Throne crashed into Icecrown, before the lords of the Burning Legion first conceived of a weapon that would scour life from Azeroth, there was only means, motive and opportunity... and a self-serving power hungry Warlock grasping for a tool.
Know Your Lore: Garrosh Hellscream
Garrosh Hellscream is headed to the Nexus -- perhaps an appropriate epilogue for a story that swept through five expansions before its explosive finale.
Know Your Lore: Orcish victimization and the blood of Mannoroth
If you've been playing World of Warcraft for a while, or were familiar with the Warcraft 3 game or tie-in books like Lord of the Clans and Rise of the Horde you were aware of a certain conception of orcs and their nature and identity.
Know Your Lore: The differences in Draenor’s Warlords
You know, we spend a lot of time talking about the various Warlords of Draenor as they're presented in the latest expansion's version of history. Lords of War was supposedly Maraad's tales of these old warlords, but the stories were pretty specific. And in some cases -- like Kilrogg's vision of his death -- they seemed like a direct reference to the alternate version of Draenor's warlords, rather than our own.