Overwatch Recall
Know Your Lore: The next generation of Overwatch
We've spent several weeks talking about the history of the Overwatch organization -- everything that's gone before, from the Omnic Crisis to the infighting that led to the downfall of Overwatch itself to the global fallout from the Omnic Crisis that continues to affect the world.
Know Your Lore: Overwatch’s ongoing story
Overwatch -- the game being released on May 24 -- doesn't really have an overarching story.
Zarya and Overwatch’s second Omnic Crisis
Other than the Overwatch agents that were directly involved with taking down the omnic uprising and saving the world, no one knows what really started the Omnic Crisis.
Objective complete: Widowmaker, Talon, and Recall
Overwatch was officially disbanded thirty years after its founding, after allegations of corruption and gross negligence -- as well as infighting between the troops -- slowly tore it apart.
15 Hidden heroes in Overwatch: Recall animated short
Sure, little Winston was adorable and one of the highlights of the first Overwatch animated short, Recall -- but did you catch the super-speed glimpse of the reel of heroes at the end?