Pvp Changes
Warcraft Rumble is shaking things up in the new year — with bears!
We've been playing Warcraft Rumble for a little over a year now, and the Rumble team is still finding ways to shake up the gameplay and keep things fresh.
You’ll be able to turn off War Mode in any rested area in 8.1
It looks like War Mode may be getting a little change in WoW's patch 8.1, according to a recent update on the PTR.
New ranking, rewards system coming to PVP in Battle for Azeroth
PVP is getting a pretty substantial revamp in Battle for Azeroth -- PVP servers will be taking their leave, while a new bounty hunting system should make things a little more interesting for players.
Upcoming PVP balance tuning hits every class but Hunters
That's right, Hunters are fine.
Legion PVP preview introduces two new arenas, Prestige Levels and more
Blizzard posted a Legion PVP preview earlier today that goes into some details surrounding the massive amount of PVP changes players will be seeing in the upcoming expansion.