Roleplaying Addons
Role Play: Roleplaying on non-RP servers
When I first began playing World of Warcraft back in 2004, I didn't have a clear idea of exactly how to play the game.
Role Play: Setting up a roleplaying profile
If someone's got a roleplaying profile that pops up on your screen, you know for certain that they're a roleplayer. By filling out your own roleplaying profile, you're letting people know that you're up for roleplay too. So how do you go about setting one up?
Role Play: Roleplaying addons
If you've got your character set and you're ready to begin roleplaying in game, you might want to take a moment to look for roleplaying addons. While you wouldn't think addons would be a requirement of roleplaying, of all things, there are actually several options out there that serve as incredibly useful tools.