Roleplaying Events
Huge RP tournament event saved by phasing hotfixes
Every year, Moon Guard hosts a week-long competitive roleplaying event for all the RP servers: the Tournament of Ages.
Role Play: The art of herding cats
Roleplaying is a social activity at heart, and sometimes people have a really hard time being social. That’s where the fine art of cat herding comes in – the ability to guide your guild and fellow roleplayers to moments that encourage that social aspect.
Role Play: Creating a storyline
Storylines can be a personal thing – something your character is trying to accomplish, with or without the help of others. Or they can be major events for a roleplaying group or guild. So how do you get a storyline started for a group or guild?
Role Play: Running a roleplay event
One on one roleplay is the easiest kind to participate in – largely because you’re just working with one other person’s schedule.
Role Play: How to run a roleplaying event
Maybe it's the end of the expansion and you're feeling the lull that usually strikes somewhere between the last big patch and the next release of content.