Secrets Discord
Everything you’ll need to collect before starting the Felcycle mount secret journey (that we know of, so far)
As part of the World of Warcraft 20th Anniversary, a Secrets of Azeroth bonus event was released that rewards Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle and the Feat of Strength achievement Ratts' Revenge.
Why the World of Warcraft secret-finding community spent the weekend scouring Azeroth for…a muffin?
World of Warcraft's 20th anniversary event is in full swing, and one of its features has caused many of the heroes of Azeroth to search the entire in-game universe for a particularly elusive pastry for most of the weekend.
Detective: great title or best title? How to get the Detective title in World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft has always had secret hunters.
How to get Hearthstone’s secret Gift of Elune card back in just 237 easy steps
With the new card back, Gift of Elune, it seems the Hearthstone dev team thought World of Warcraft wasn't keeping the Secrets Finding Discord community busy enough.
Baa’l Battle Pet secret found! Sorry, there’s no Diablo tie-in
Datamined early in Battle for Azeroth development, the World of Warcraft Secrets Community Discord has uncovered the many, many, many steps to get the adorable demonic goat battle pet Baa'l.
This horrifying wickerpunk battle pet is the perfect accessory for your Kul Tiran Druid
Battle for Azeroth is bringing a lot of new things to WoW, including terrifying bone and stick druid forms for Kul Tiran Druids.