WoW Dragonflight expansion is getting a new point-based talent system, and a promise of no borrowed power
World of Warcraft's next expansion, Dragonflight, is a return to the roots of the game in many senses with a new kind of talent tree.
Totem Talk: Taking another look at Legion’s Enhancement talents
Deleting a character is never fun, not even when it's a test realm character and it's the only way to keep doing things like visiting class order halls.
Totem Talk: Latest Enhancement Shaman changes and Old Enhancement
The Legion alpha is rolling along, and the good news is that the changes to Enhancement Shaman seem to be just a wee bit less severe than they were the last time around.
The Warrior’s Charge: Fury and Protection in Legion
Okay, so I've now tanked and DPS'd in various dungeons and I can say the following: Fury is fun in a dungeon.
Totem Talk: A peek at datamined Enhancement talents
Hooray, people are playing the Legion alpha!
Totem Talk: A look at Enhancement talent selections
Talent selection is not crazy difficult at this point in the game's lifespan if you've played Enhancement before... but who doesn't want to think more about their talent selections?