The Queue: Time is the millstone under which we are ground fine
The past two weeks have been among the worst I have ever lived through.
I don’t have anything funny to say about that. I have not slept, I am not likely to sleep, I just keep trudging forward through this whole monotonously awful month and year, and everything keeps getting harder and harder and I see no real relief in the future. It’s been sincerely just the worst.
Lately playing video games has been all about keeping myself distracted. So hey, here’s the Queue, and then I’ll go back to distracting myself.
The Queue: No idea
You ever feel completely out of sorts and not really talkative?
It’s a weird day and I’m completely spent. Here’s the Queue. How’re you doing?
The Queue: The Tired Man
The Tired Man would be me.
I’m frankly exhausted. Let’s do this.