Varian Wrynn
The Grand Tournament showcases new Legendary cards Rhonin and Varian Wrynn
An extra pair of Legendary Hearthstone cards have just been revealed today.
Know Your Lore: King Llane Wrynn
With the Warcraft movie set to release in a little under a year, let's take a look at King Llane Wrynn as he stands right now in Warcraft lore.
Know Your Lore: The unsettling puzzle of Garona Halforcen
In Warlords of Draenor, we meet a different Garona, one whose origins began on this alternate version of Draenor. Oddly enough, no mention is made of her past, a past which was unusual to say the least in our version of history, and it appears that whatever ties she had to Maraad don't exist on this world. Which makes one wonder -- where did she come from?