Wow Charity
Blizzard’s newest charity pet, Dotty the baby alpaca, can be your best friend
Blizzard unveiled a brand new pet in the opening ceremonies: Dotty the baby alpaca.
Help raise cash for suicide prevention with the Icecrown Challenge
In World of Warcraft there are plenty of reasons to run old content -- mounts, pets, transmog -- but for the past five years, defeating the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel during the holiday season can also help defeat one of the trickiest real life bosses out there.
GameChanger hosts Raid Against Rare Diseases
The first annual Raid Against Rare Diseases will feature a live raid with WoW-playing celebs including Swifty, Michele Morrow, Kristian Nairn, Jesse Cox, Crendor, and Bobak Ferdowsi (whom you may be familiar with as "the NASA guy with awesome hair"). Tune in at 10AM Pacific!