Wow Trading Post
WoW’s June Trading Post rewards will have you looking summertime fine
June is here, marking the halfway point of 2023 and the arrival of another month's worth of Trading Post items to choose from in World of Warcraft!
New WoW Trading Post rewards you May enjoy!
It's gonna be May and that means a brand new set of rewards at the World of Warcraft Trading Post!
The running list of upcoming WoW Trading Post rewards
It's difficult to say what will come each month for the WoW Trading Post, because a huge pool of potential rewards has been datamined so far with more items revealing themselves as new patches rollout, as is the case now that patch 10.1.5 has launched.
April rewards spring up in WoW’s Trading Post
Another month has come and gone: it's April, which means there's a new set of rewards in World of Warcraft's Trading Post!
“Looking Good”? How to look your most dapper for the March Trading Post
Looking through the March Trading Post activities, you will see a number of them require that you complete the listed task while "Looking Good" -- but what is "Looking Good," you cry?
Rewards offered at the WoW Trading Post in March
Ahead of weekly reset, Blizzard let us know what’s coming to the Trading Post in March 2023.
Are the WoW Servers up yet? Yes!
Today is the release of the first World of Warcraft Dragonflight patch — 10.0.5 — and we have an extended downtime ahead of us.
What’s in WoW patch 10.0.5?
The World of Warcraft team recently released the Dragonflight content roadmap for 2023, outlining six planned patch releases throughout the year to ensure a consistent stream of updates players can look forward to, including the first patch, arriving today, January 24.
WoW Trading Post feature will allow WoW players to earn cosmetic rewards each month
World of Warcraft players are getting a new feature with the Trading Post, which will allow them to earn currency that can be traded for an assortment of cosmetic rewards.