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The QueueApr 9, 2016 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Majestic unicorns

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Look I don’t care what Jeremy Feasel says, this is one glorious, majestic unicorn right here. And there’s lots more of them. All over the place. In many different colors. Unicorns.


If I preorder Overwatch for Xbox from a place like target, will I be able to get into the early access? Or is it just for PC?

The official site says that “select retailers” will also be offering the early access beta experience, but you’ll have to check with your local store to see if they’re participating in that or not. So call your local Target and ask before you nab your copy — and if they aren’t doing it, look and see if you have a local store just for video games. They might be more likely to be participating.


I’m starting to think about… actually… buying Overwatch.

But before I purchase a $60 shooter, and bear in mind I’ve never really big on shooter games, I was wondering if Blizzard could possibly do a ‘try it first and see how you like it’ promotion or something like that?

Or is beta open to all?  I hadn’t really checked.

Open beta runs from May 5-9, and during that time, anyone can play — the game itself launches May 24, so that should give you plenty of time to decide whether or not you’d like to play before preordering. It’s a lot of fun — I’m not normally the kind of gamer that enjoys shooters, but I have a blast playing Overwatch.


Q4tQ: why has blizz never made the WoW log-in/garrison/whatever music Medieval Man for April Fools?

Wow, that’s a blast from the past. I’m guessing either nobody thought of it, or it’s more of a technical thing. But I’d love to log in and hear this on the main screen:


Q4tQ: Does “Korfax, Destroyer of Scourge” ever make his presence known in Legion?

I have yet to see Korfax, but I haven’t actually been looking that closely for him — although now that you’ve reminded me, I’m going to keep an eye out. Because if anyone stands a chance against the armies of the Burning Legion, it’s this guy.


Q4tQ: Would you rather have: any mount in the game drop for you (even a cash shop mount), or any weapon/piece of armor?

You have no idea how long I spent farming Zul’Gurub and trying to get that stupid tiger mount to drop. If they added it back in the game as a drop, I’d be farming nonstop all over again.


So… I haven’t been playing WoW much lately and haven’t been following WoW related news much as well. With that said, I’m getting antsy waiting for Legion. Has there been any indication that they’ll release a date for the expansion or, better, a date when they plan on releasing the pre-expansion patch? Hoping for some fun build-up in game for Legion!

Nope, we haven’t heard anything towards a finalized release date or pre-expansion events. Pre-order information (like on Amazon) states that the release date is September 21, but that date isn’t final — it’s just an estimate. It’s supposed to be on or before September 21, but the exact date still hasn’t been released.

That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!

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