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The QueueMar 8, 2015 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Hail, Commander Wiggles

Mr. Wiggles has impressed the Horde with his go-getter attitude and intense work ethic. He’s moving up in the world, much to the dismay of the Warmaster, who was hoping for a promotion of his own. It doesn’t matter. In the end, the Iron Horde will learn to fear the name Wiggles.

Say, I should probably answer some questions, shouldn’t I?


Are old raids harder to solo at 100, or is it just me?

It honestly depends on what class you’re playing, and the raid you’re trying to do. I haven’t seen an issue with older raids at all — but I play a rogue, which means I can skip through a lot of the trash with no difficulty. Mists of Pandaria raids are still beyond me, but Cataclysm raids don’t seem to be too bad, and everything from vanilla through Wrath is a cakewalk.


Q4TQ: the Death Knights who were not at Light Hope’s Chapel, were they “freed” when Arthas was defeated, or are they simply under Bolvar’s control now?

We pretty well took care of the death knights that were serving the Lich King when we stormed Northrend. There are some, of course, that are still running around working their own peculiar brand of evil, but they weren’t under the Lich King’s control so much as they were willingly serving him — they embraced the evil, so to speak, and even without the Lich King’s influence, they’re still evil. With his death, they’ve moved on to pursuing their own nefarious schemes. The mindless Scourge were the ones under the Lich King’s direct control, and they are now presumably being held in check by Bolvar.


I just bought the Warcraft Archive to read Day of the Dragon (for Lore reasons). Are the other three books in the archive worth reading?

PS Are they still canon?

I don’t usually answer more than one question per person, but this is a good one. The Warcraft Archive also has Lord of the Clans, which explains Thrall’s escape from Durnholde Keep, and it’s a really good read — particularly if you’ve done the Caverns of Time instance, you’ll suddenly know who those NPCs really are. The Last Guardian is an excellent, excellent book about Medivh, Khadgar, and the old Horde. Of Blood and Honor is a short story that was written about Eitrigg and Tirion Fordring, and also worth checking out.

More importantly, all of these books are canon. The only books that have ever been deemed non-canon are the RPG guides. Everything else Blizzard has published is canon.


Q4tQ – Hearthstone version: In WoW, King Krush uses the Lime green with splashes of yellow skin, shared with only one other raptor type in the game.

How come his Hearthstone card depicts him as a sort of mid-blue/turquoise colour? You’d think they’d get it right – one of the most iconic dinosaurs in the game. Sheesh!

This is just a guess, but a green and yellow dinosaur on a card with a green background and gold border just isn’t visually striking, because there’s an utter lack of color contrast. In comparison, a giant dinosaur in cooler colors working with a warmer background and warm border is a little more interesting to look at. I’m thinking it was just a design decision, is all.

Q4tQ: What percentage of the population that survived Gilneas became Worgen? I’ve seen different schools of thought: some that have close to 100%, some that are around 50%, and some that have only a very small percentage.

There have never been any kind of official numbers released for that, so I really couldn’t answer that question accurately. There is obviously evidence of people not being affected by the curse, though, so there’s at least some percentage of unaffected Gilneans running around out there.


How many of you are/went at PAX East?

I don’t believe we have anyone on staff attending PAX East — we’re keeping an eye on the news coming out of it, but I don’t think we have anyone who is attending the convention.


Q4TQ: If Gul’dan invented death knights in our timeline, does that make him the great-grandpappy of player death knights?

Nope! Gul’dan’s death knights were very, very different from the playable death knights we have today. Gul’dan took the souls of slain Shadow Council members and placed them in the corpses of human soldiers that had fallen during the First War. The Lich King, on the other hand, simply animates corpses — no soul transference involved at all.


How close is Spires of Arak’s lore to our Outland Arakkoa’s history?

We don’t really know, because we don’t really know anything at all of Outland’s arakkoa history beyond bits and pieces of events that took place after Draenor shattered into Outland. Only the Sethekk — followers of the mad Talon King Ikiss, who thought he was Terokk reborn — and the Outcasts survived. Any real evidence of winged arakkoa, Rukhmar, Sethe, and the Spires simply vanished without a trace. Anzu was not the benevolent deity we see in the Spires of Arak, but that was largely because of the influence and control of the Sethekk, who are mad themselves.


That’s it for the Queue — be sure to leave plenty of questions for Monday’s edition!

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