The Queue: Why did I hire you

Welcome to The Queue, the Q&A column for all things Blizzard related. If you have a question for the Queue, leave a comment and you may see it answered tomorrow!
Sometimes my followers really make me question why I recruited them in the first place. Rok’tar, don’t you have better things to be doing, like heading out for that mission I just assigned? Sheesh. Let’s answer some questions.
Does unlocking Harrison Jones on one character unlock him on the rest, being linked to an achievement? Or do you have to unlock him individually on all characters?
You have to unlock him individually on each character. The only thing that’s really account-wide with garrisons is the ability to purchase blueprints, and that still needs to be unlocked on one character before any others have access.
Sometimes, when working in my mine, I hear the sound of glass breaking and occasionally catch sparkles around one of the miners. What is this? Do my miners belong to the Brew of the Month Club and they are throwing down their empties after drinking on the job? I’ve never actually seen this happen….. I just hear the glass and when I turn around sometimes I catch sparkles.
When you’re working a long, hard day in the depths of a goren-infested mine, sometimes your body and your brain get a little tired, a little worn out, and a little thirsty. That’s when any miner worth his salt turns to the refreshing taste of Kaja’Cola. Kaja’Cola’s unique blend of citrine flavors will get the spring back in your step and the gears grinding in your head. Kaja’Cola, it gives you IDEAS! … and energy!
Habitual use of Kaja’Cola is not recommended. Ideas formed while drinking Kaja’Cola are not guaranteed to be viable or successful. Kaja’Cola is not recommended if you have allergies to rocks, trees, dirt, goblins, minerals, Old God blood, birds, fizz, alcoholic beverages, plush animals, nuts, plastics, and certain types of squirrels. If the formation of ideas induced by Kaja’Cola lasts longer than four hours, please see your doctor.
…but seriously, I think they’re just throwing some rocks in a cart. Probably.
Can any explain to me the purpose of the 3 crafted item limit? Also is there any chance of Blizzard lifting it or raising the limit to a higher number?
Well, they’d certainly like you to spend at least some time in dungeon or raid content if you’d like upgrades. If everyone could simply create and outfit themselves in raid-quality epic items, why would anyone bother doing anything other than crafting?
Who at Blizzard Watch was able to score a Blizzcon ticket?
A lot of us! Not all of us, but all the expected faces who have appeared before should be there again, theoretically. I believe any road trip I take will be solo this year though, and with far fewer stops along the way. It’s okay though — I think Alex and I soaked in the majority of what the trip had to offer last year.
Q4tQ: What heroes can you see become a villain and villains become heroes in WoW?
I believe Maiev is technically a villain at this point. I don’t think she should be, and I think she has the potential to be one heck of a hero. As for heroes becoming villains … I don’t know, I think I’ve had just about enough of that, honestly.
Any idea when the beta for Overwatch will be out?
No idea. I’m hoping soon, though, because I didn’t get a chance to play it at all during last year’s BlizzCon and I really want to see how it plays! (This is, of course, provided I get a beta key, but I did opt in and I do have my fingers crossed!)
Where are all of Rexxar’s people hiding on Draenor?
Good question! We have absolutely no idea. Rexxar certainly hasn’t indicated he’s the last of the Mok’Nathal, but he hasn’t really mentioned them at all, either. I’m hoping we at least see a glimpse of them all, or hear some kind of news before the expansion is over. I always liked those guys.
Whos blood does kilrogg drink? Iv’e been dying to know!
Rossi and I were just discussing this last night. We decided it’s probably just leftover Mannoroth blood. It’s really old. And kind of congealed by now. And that’s why Kilrogg chokes on it.
Really though, we haven’t been told either way.
That’s it for Sunday’s edition of the Queue — be sure to leave plenty of questions for tomorrow in the comments!
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