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Discussion > WoWApr 25, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Do you keep your memories in screenshots?

I remember this.

I remember what my Shaman and my Paladin looked like in their first few days of existence after The Burning Crusade, but I have to be content with memories; I can’t show anyone.  Even if I pretend that the new models don’t exist, I still don’t have the gear any longer.  I could describe my Blood Elf’s outfit when she picked up her spear, but I couldn’t show it to you.  My wife, meanwhile, has an elaborate series of screenshots of her characters over the years, tracking their new looks as they’ve been acquired through play — some transmogged, some not, but all distinct stages of growth.

Leveling is a quick process now for most of the climb upward, and capturing your character’s look anew every single time you pick up a new piece of leveling gear is kind of silly.  Still, when your character does have a certain look for a while for whatever reason, it’s kind of nice to have that look preserved for a while and be able to look back at that distinct phase of your character’s life.  That’s not counting things like your first guild drop of bosses or your favorite quest cinematics.  Do you keep your memories in screenshots?  Or do you have all of them in your head and tend to not hit that capture button, relying on your recollection of the events?

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