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DiscussionApr 30, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Expanding the WoW Token

I wrote a post about the WoW Token, and the comments had some interesting ideas. One of them was that we could expand what the token does — you could extend the token or make a new token for things like character transfers, race changes, faction transfers and so on. Allowing people to use their in-game gold more flexibly and allowing people to select the kind of services they spent their real life money to trade in, especially after the initial burst of token activity is over and most people that are going to do it have bought game time.

This got me thinking — is this something we, the players, would want? And should it be limited to WoW? Diablo III’s RMAH didn’t work — it rather spectacularly failed, in fact — but would Diablo players fork over for in-game transmog items in this way? We’re already seeing gold and money used interchangeably for cards in Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm is going to allow players to buy skins. would it be a good use of an expanded ‘Blizzard Token’ to let players buy specific skins for cash and then put them up for sale to other players, or would it just cut into Blizzard’s own business?

So let’s hear from you guys. If they expanded the token, what would you want it to be expanded for? What should be up for sale, and what should never be available?

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