Breakfast Topic: To Tanaan or not to Tanaan

I have to admit: patch 6.2‘s Timeless Isle-like Tanaan Jungle feels like a list of chores that I just can’t find the time for. Sure, it’s not a Pandaria level of dailies, but it still seems like a lot of them, scattered across a zone that’s packed with high-level and elite mobs you have to fight through to get where you need to go — in short, it’s a pretty big time suck.
Sometimes I have the free time to really dive into the game and might spend hours working at new content — but sometimes I don’t. It’s times like that that the garrison felt perfect: I could log on, chat with guildies, run some missions, and log out again to get on with my day. But having a busy schedule right now, Tanaan feels insurmountable, something I’ll only be able to chip away at in tiny bits (or not at all) until I have more free time. Not that it’s a bad thing, necessarily, but to me Tanaan currently feels like a chore list to add to my real life chore list. Maybe I’ll feel more enthusiastic about it in a couple of weeks when my schedule clears up again — I’ll just have to wait and see.
But what about you, readers? Is Tanaan Jungle at the top of your to-do list, or does it just feel like a chore?
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