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Discussion > WoWJul 31, 2015 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: The one garrison feature I want to keep

So, it’s official. There is a new expansion on the way and with it, likely the end of garrisons as we know them. In true Blizzard fashion, however, I’m sure we’ll see some aspects of the garrison taken with us into 7.0 and beyond. But to be honest, there’s only one feature I really want to see stick around: the jukebox.

To me, the jukebox is representative of a more customizable, “player housing” style garrison we could have gotten. Sure, I could move Big Building A over to where Big Building B is to add a little bit of personalization, but that never really felt all that personal to me. My hope for garrisons originally was that I would be able to hunt items to really make the space feel like it was mine. This is the armor I want to show off, this is the boss head I want to hang, this is building style I want. We didn’t get those features, but the jukebox certainly felt like a step in the right direction.

The jukebox offers slightly over 30 different music scrolls to choose from, I can choose which of these to farm and which to ignore, and I can change the song any time I want. Plus, it encourages me to get out and explore content both old and new in a way that doesn’t limit me to Draenor. Not only that, the scrolls are tied to an achievement and not the jukebox itself which makes it perfectly designed to be taken with us into the next expansion. Sure, there are unique followers, a few flavor features, and a Birchus that could easily come along — but I don’t care about those. I want the jukebox to come with me and I want more features like it.

How about you, readers? Do you feel the same or is there some other existing feature on your must-have list going forward?

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