The Queue: Ashkandi

I love Ashkandi. And I love having Ashkandi on my level 61 death knight on the leveling stream.
Let’s talk about the World of Warcraft. Or Hearthstone, or Diablo 3. Any Blizzard game. Even The Death and Return of Superman, which as we’ve established, was totally a Blizzard game.
I’m curious why so many people think this is the last patch for WoD. I would think there are plenty of options they could do. No more Raids, okay, they said that, but new quests, achievements, maybe dare I say it, scenarios could all make for another patch or 2, if need be. Here’s hoping there is no need, of course.
Ah, my Daxamite friend, our own Liz Harper pointed out in the comments that the reason people think that 6.2 is the last patch of Warlords is because Cory Stockton said it is. Does that mean we won’t get anything more before the next expansion? Hard to say. We’re going to get an announcement as to the next expansion in a week, which implies that they’re working on it to the extent that I wouldn’t expect to see much.
That doesn’t mean I don’t want more — I do, very much — but I’m not expecting it.
QFTQ: So, I read a ‘leak’ of a possible expansion that includes a bow-wielding dps/healer. Do you think this is possible? To me it makes sense; a second bow/gun/crossbow class is the only thing the game is missing from a weapon usage perspective. I’d prefer to see a bow wielding tank, but hey, I’ll take what I can get.
Well, first off I would take anything you read before next week about this upcoming expansion as speculation. Is it possible for there to be a second ranged weapon class? Absolutely, and I’d be totally down for that. I’m kind of hoping we don’t get another tank – we have enough tanks to balance as it is – but a DPS/healer? Sure, I’ve even speculated along those lines myself.
But until we actually have an any sort of expansion details released, please don’t get too upset if it turns out we’re not going to get a new ranged weapon using class. We could use a third mail using class for absolute sure, and I’d like to see ranged weapons be useful to more than just one class, but we know literally nothing yet about the new expansion aside from the fact that we’ll find out about it next week.
I would have rated Garrosh’s chances against Kil’jaeden as worse than my chances winning a fistfight with an amur tiger riding in a M1A2 Abrams.
In other words, Garrosh would have gotten squashed.
However, I would have liked it if Warlords had outright been a time travel story, with us unable to prevent some changes, and just trying to get history as close to what we remember as possible.
Q4tQ: Now that we know that Gamescom is going to have the WoW expansion announcement, what are the thoughts about a possible D3 expansion to be announced at Blizzcon?
I’m surprised we haven’t heard much at all about a D3 expansion. We’ve gotten Hearthstone news, Overwatch heading towards beta, a new Starcraft II expansion is almost here, Heroes of the Storm has already released Eternal Conflict which is chock full of Diablo themed content. I’m a little surprised that it’s been over a year since Reaper of Souls released and we’ve heard nothing about future D3 content. Frankly, that makes me wonder if there’s going to be future content for it.
I certainly hope they do — I feel like there are several loose ends to tie up, like the ultimate fate of Leah’s soul, Covetous Shen’s backstory, and the rising power of the Nephalem.
That’s the Queue for today. I’ll see you guys next Tuesday.
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I had hoped Warlords was Garrosh’s attempt to prevent what was, and for us to ensure that everything happens that was meant to be (no AU stuff).
As in, We would have to assume the form of Rulkan and trick Ner’zhul to drinking the Mannoroth Blood cos Garrosh had travelled into the Nether and killed Kil’jaden