No player or guild housing coming to Legion

In an interview with Game-Guide, J. Allen Brack confirmed that Blizzard isn’t currently discussing doing player or guild housing. We’re at the end of the era of garrisons (which Blizzard has confirmed won’t be part of Legion), which felt like a stepping stone towards player housing — but apparently Blizzard isn’t taking the next step. Though Legion‘s class halls will fill some of the functions of your garrison, they’ll be a shared, un-customizable space (and aren’t always located in the most heroic of places, as Rogues are currently slated to live in the sewers below Dalaran). While this does address the problem of the garrison being an empty and utterly un-social space, customizable player and/or guild housing is still something a lot of us want… and aren’t getting.
There are some other interesting tidbits in this interview, too, so check more highlights and watch the video below.
So what’s new? J. Allen Brack and Alex Afrasiabi covered a few new points:
- The launch event will be the invasion by the Burning Legion and will last for weeks. The invasion won’t just hit the Broken Isles — we’ll see the invasion in all parts of Azeroth. We’ll be seeing demons and engines of war we’ve never seen before.
- Blizzard would love to do something with Karazhan and there’s a lot of great lore… but there’s nothing they can comment on right now
- Will there be more gnomes? “Didn’t we take those out of the expansion?” asked Afrasiabi. Though he was joking, it seems clear that gnomes aren’t getting their much-asked-for story attention in this coming expansion.
Again, catch the full interview below.
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