Method, Wowhead team up for Mythic Hellfire Citadel guides

If you’re interested in raiding Hellfire Citadel on Mythic difficulty, you probably want to give a look to these guides on Wowhead, created by Method, the guild that completed world first Mythic Archimonde. The guides will cover (eventually) every boss in Mythic Hellfire Citadel — right now they’re up to Tyrant Velhari — and are hosted on Wowhead’s Hellfire Citadel guide page.
Even if you never plan on setting foot in a Mythic raid, it’s worth watching to get a sense of how the fights scale up in difficulty and how guilds like Method deal with the encounters, especially considering they get this stuff down without farming for months for gear. There’s a reason this is a world first guild, and the videos make that clear. The videos are intended to be as specific and detailed as possible, giving you a sense of how the guild dealt with the challenges of the encounters (so you can, too) — I’ll probably not do anything even remotely to this level of difficulty (my last such encounter was Mythic SoO back near the tail end of Mists) but I do still enjoy watching and learning.
You can also watch the videos on Method’s YouTube page.
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