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News > WoWOct 13, 2015 12:49 pm CT

Add more Pepe joy to your life with Pepe plush and costumes

Finally, the day of Pepe’s glorious ascension has arrived: you can now own your very own Pepe in real life courtesy of the Blizzard Gear Store (in exchange for $20). Plush Pepe is 6″ tall with an articulated head and clips for feet so you can attach him to anything you’d like (we suggest a headband for the appropriate effect). Still, if you’d rather keep him confined in game, there’s new content for Pepe’s virtual fans, too.

For a better look at plush Pepe, we’re already seeing him pop up on Twitter.

However, if you prefer Pepe to stay in game, you can now find Pepe costumes (datamined back in April) in game, awarded for finding Pepe hiding around Draenor.

pepe talador header

There are four Pepe costumes to be found: Knight Pepe (in Talador at 51.0, 63.3), Ninja Pepe (in Gorgrond at 47.5, 41.3), Pirate Pepe (in Spires of Arak at 54.1, 83.6), and Viking Pepe (in Nagrand at 80.1, 50.4). Finding all of Pepe’s new costumes will award players the I Found Pepe! achievement.

Happy hunting, Pepe fans!

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