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The QueueNov 15, 2015 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Stag party

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Due to the sudden glut of post-BlizzCon news, we didn’t really get to do the leveling stream this week. I logged in just to make sure my character didn’t have any mail sitting around waiting to be picked up, and that’s when I remembered I have this new deer I tamed somewhere in Dragonblight. He’s cool. We’re just, you know, hanging out until Thursday. But for now, I guess we’ll stick to answering some questions!


Anybody got any idea why on earth does the night elf lady in The League of Explorers have human eyes instead of all glowy-nelfy eyes? It’s… kind of unsettling.

Well, she’s wearing glasses, so perhaps she’s got some sort of eye problem that had the added side effect of removing the traditional glow. That seems to be the only logical explanation I can think of — although in all likelihood it’s got nothing to do with anything being wrong with the character and everything to do with the fact that her face is far more expressive when you can see her eyes. Just a design choice, I’m assuming!


QFTQ: In the past did we get new race/class combos with the pre-expansion patch or with the actual expansion launch? I can’t remember. And I ask for…reasons.

It’s usually the pre-patch for the expansion, if I’m remembering right.


Q4tQ:  Has there been any mention of the (now former) Dragon Aspects being involved in Legion?  If not, do you think they should be?

Though no longer wielding the same powers, one would think they’d still have a vested interest in the security of Azeroth, given that the events in Dawn of the Aspects reminded them of why they became Aspects in the first place.  Especially given their involvement in the War of the Ancients, their experience in dealing with the Legion could come in handy.  Thoughts?

No mention of them as of yet. Considering we’ve heard that we’ll be at the very least visiting some kind of refuge for the blue dragonflight, we might see Kalecgos somewhere. But the Aspects have finished the task to which they’d been assigned, so they don’t really have a prominent role anymore. That’s a job for us mortals, now.

That said, if push comes to shove and things get too hairy, I wouldn’t be surprised if we suddenly had a lot of dragons show up, keenly interested in that whole saving the world thing. I believe they were part of Velen’s vision of the Army of Light, after all.



What will you be gnaming your gnome hunter????



Has it confirmed that the “soon” beta will not have an NDA? It just hit me how annoying it would be if it were out and people were not supposed to talk about it.

Typically, when a game goes into its beta stage, there’s no NDA involved — at least that’s what it’s been like for Blizzard, anyway. Usually there is some kind of alpha stage prior to beta, and that one is locked down by an NDA. So yes, if beta starts up in the next few weeks as stated, you should see a lot of information about it fairly quickly.


Q4TQ: Are there any major/semi-major lore characters in Warcraft that fit the new Outlaw Rogue spec?

Probably at least a fairly good chunk of the Defias Brotherhood, or what’s left of it. I think Valeera might tag under that category, too — she was a gladiator for a while, so she’s no stranger to brawling. And while her class has never been specified (and we have seen her in plate, albeit briefly), I’d like to think that Lorna Crowley might just be an Outlaw waiting to happen.

That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!

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