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The QueueNov 22, 2015 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Can we get Lorna back, please?

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

I miss the Crowleys. When last we saw either of them, Darius had just agreed to surrender Gilneas City in exchange for his daughter Lorna’s safety, and got the heck out of there before waiting to see what Sylvanas would do next. Since then, we haven’t heard a peep from either one of them. Given that Genn is listed on the Legion cast page, I’m kind of hoping we’ll see both Darius and Lorna make a reappearance — I think Lorna would make an excellent Outlaw. I mean come on, she’s the daughter of a rebel leader and we already know she’s handy with a shotgun, I bet she’s a crack shot with a pistol. And I’m interested in whether or not she demanded she be affected with the Worgen curse just to avoid that whole being risen as Forsaken thing, whether her father continued to try and keep her out of harm’s way, or what exactly happened to them both.


Question: I logged in and set my beta preferences last night. Do they still have the page where you can give your computer system configuration? Or did they get rid of that.

It appears that you no longer have to go through that process — likely they added a way to automatically nab that information at some point in time or another. Might even be through the launcher, since it has to detect whether or not you’re able to install games anyway.


Q4tQ: Any chance you think they would ever allow someone to disable rest accumulation?  Same goes for the xp bonus on heirlooms? The option to stop xp although doesn’t count, I still want xp, just at a slower rate.

That’s doubtful. Really the only thing that you can do to slow your XP accumulation is to log out in areas that aren’t designated rest areas (No inns, no capital cities), and avoid using heirloom gear altogether, or only use the few pieces that don’t include any kind of XP bonus with them. That limits you to weapons, necklaces, and some trinkets.


Q4tQ: Can you give someone else your Overwatch Beta invite if you don’t want it?

No — but if you don’t want to be in the beta for something, you may want to revisit your battle.net account and make sure you aren’t opted in for any games you’d rather not be testing.


Q4TQ: I was reading through the artifacts again, and noticed reference to a member of the Burning Legion called Mephistroph in the subtlety artifact section. Is this a new name, or one I’ve just not encountered?

He’s definitely not a name you’ve encountered in World of Warcraft. However, if you ever played Warcraft 3, he had a minor appearance in a conversation with Anatheron and Tichondrius about the Scourge. Mephistroth’s sole contribution to the conversation was to point out that there was absolutely no way Ner’zhul would ever dare turn against the Burning Legion or try to undermine their efforts.

…boy, I bet he’s been kicking himself for years about that one.


Q4tQ: Will Leoroxx, Rexxar or Sabellian ever actually do anything other than sitting on their butts in Blade’s Edge Mountains?

No idea! I’d like to see Rexxar make a return, and I think it would be fascinating to see Sabellian make an appearance and have a chat with Wrathion. Whether or not he survives said conversation with Wrathion would be fascinating to see as well.


Q4tQ: Here’s a question I that I was thinking about while playing yesterday: what are abominations actually stitched together out of?

I mean, they look like human parts, but the body parts are too large to be human. The average abom’s head is just too big to be a human head (and it doesn’t look like it was stitched together out of multiple human heads). The parts don’t look like ogre parts, but they’d be the right size.

I dunno, I guess a wizard did it.

Bits and pieces.

No really, bits and pieces of just about everything. It doesn’t even have to be the same type of dead thing, it’s just…random parts and pieces of dead things. The body parts aren’t necessarily a single body part from one person, they could be stitched together from several just to add more skin, bone, bulk, muscle, you name it — same with the head, the skull isn’t necessarily composed of one intact skull, it could be a few different skulls pieced together, the upper jaw from one thing, the lower jaw from something else entirely, and skin from whenever or whatever stretched over all of it.

Basically, abominations are really gross. But we kind of knew that already!

That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!

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