Hearthstone Gift Exchange Brawl and Winter Veil card back coming soon
The Winter Veil details for Hearthstone were released recently, but now we have the details of this week’s brawl, which will feature the Gift Exchange. During the Brawl, Greatfather Winter will be dropping presents across the board and if you manage to destroy the presents, you’ll nab yourself a 1-mana card allowing you to Discover a card of your opponent’s class. Alternatively, you can blow up cards on your side of the board to discover cards of your class. Participating and winning a match will net you the Winter Veil Wreath card back (and the cool light up effects that go with it).
Catch the holiday spirit and join in on the upcoming Gift Exchange Tavern Brawl! Win a match, and you’ll receive a pine-scented*, elf-approved Winter Veil Wreath card back to add to your collection.
We hope your holiday is warm and happy, and we’ll see you in the Tavern!
* Not actually pine scented, unless you happen to have a scratch-n-sniff monitor**.
**Scratch-n-sniff monitor not included with this Tavern Brawl.
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