Winter Veil
This Winter Veil there’s a speedy new way to reach The Abominable Greench (and rescue Metzen the Reindeer)
Winter Veil's boss fight against the Abominable Greench is a little bit of an anomaly as it's not a fight you can queue for -- instead players need to trek out to the Alterac Valley section of Hillsbrad Foothills to rescue Metzen the Reindeer and reclaim the stolen treats.
What holiday reward would you like to see added to World of Warcraft?
Over the last year or so, a lot of WoW's holiday events have seen smaller or larger revamps; while Winter Veil added a few new rewards as it always does, and Noblegarden offered a big basket of eggs for your dragonriding mount, it wasn't until the most recent Love is in the Air that we saw an entirely new festival area, revamped daily quests, and a heaping helping of new rewards.
How to get the Winter Veil Armor for your Highland Drake
It’s time for Winter Veil in World of Warcraft and your Dragonriding mount is ready to enjoy the festivities with their own special Winter Veil Armor.
All of the holiday events (and rewards) in Blizzard games this year — ending soon!
Winter has come and with it comes a storm -- a Blizzard, perhaps -- of holiday events in the games we cover.
The Hearthstone Winter Veil event begins, giving 10 free packs to all players
You can get 10 free Hearthstone packs right now as part of the Winter Veil event!
A new toy, the Winter Veil Chorus Book, makes you sing like your sweater used to
The Feast of Winter Veil event is already live on World of Warcraft, and as is tradition, we're waiting to open our presents under the tree in Ironforge or Orgrimmar.
How to make the finest artisanal gingerbread for Greatfather Winter — or at least how to make the finest gingerbread Smokeywood Pastures will sell
Greatfather Winter sure loves his gingerbread, and every Winter Veil he demands cookies in exchange for gifts.
Winter Veil 2019 adds a new Pepe costume then silently removes it, plus other holiday festivity
It's Winter Veil time, y'all!
How do you feel about needing Zidormi to change a zone’s timeline?
The other day, I was out and about collecting Coins of Ancestry from Elders for the new dragon pieces.
Pack up the mistletoe, because Blizzard is making more fun items holiday only
In the latest hotfix notes, this little item caught my eye.