The Queue: Oh boy, jousting

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
It’s probably just a result of the new character models, but I was both surprised and delighted to see just how annoyed my poor leveling stream character looked once we were saddled up in Trial of the Champion. Because let’s face it, jousting wasn’t fun. It was mostly annoying and kind of clunky. …it was, however, still miles above doing Oculus, so at least there was that to be pleased about, right? Let’s get to your questions.
Do you think the stats on the artifacts in beta are still placeholders? So far all of the ones I’ve seen have been crit and mastery but as a primarily resto player I really hope they dump that crit for haste.
I wouldn’t call them placeholders, but at this stage in the alpha, I wouldn’t call them finalized, either. Stats are one of those things that are usually fiddled with all the way up to launch.
My name is Buffalo and tomorrow is my birthday. Can we have a buffalo themed queue? It’s a Queue tradition!
You always end up on my Queue day, don’t you? Well I can’t do a buffalo-themed Queue, but here is a pleasant image of a buffalo just for you. Happy Birthday!
qftq: any chance that you make an article about the demon hunter when the alpha/beta goes up again?
That’s something we’re still working on, yes! At the moment it’s a little difficult to do anything for the Demon Hunter as well…first off, only one of the two specs have been introduced so far, and second and far more importantly, the alpha is still currently down. But we do have people playing Demon Hunters as well as the usual round of classes.
Q4tQ: If you could give one other class a mechanic/ability belonging to another class/spec (Titan’s Grip, Minion sacrificing etc), what would you give and to what class/spec?
I’d give Roll to Rogues. They’re athletic and sneaky, having another way to dodge wouldn’t be out of line with what the class represents at all, I don’t think.
Q4tQ: how important is a character’s look/feel/sound when you create a new one? And do you stick with a certain race as much as you can, or do you mix it up? I like to mix it up so I’m not always playing the same race and gender, but too often this leads to me playing something for a while and then deciding I no longer like it.
I’m probably the wrong person to ask about this, because it’s not quite as important to me for one reason: I play on a roleplaying server. So when I’m creating a character, I tend to hammer out all the little details of that character’s history and determine a race/faction/class for them, as well as their basic appearance. Once I have all that, then I go to the character creation screen and fiddle with the details. What I come up with on that character creation screen is never really the mental image I have of my character in my head, it’s just a close enough approximation. So it’s…not too important, when push comes to shove — it’s more about creating a compelling character with a cool story first.
However, I tend to stick to races that I like writing stories for. So Trolls, Forsaken, Blood Elves, Humans, Night Elves and Draenei are usually the most common targets, because I just find them the most interesting. I keep meaning to create the Worgen character I’ve got kicking around in my head, I just haven’t gotten around to that one yet, and I can’t decide whether to make her in game, or just write some stories for fun and call it good.
Q4tQ: I’ve read so-far unconfirmed reports that the Wardrobe will be account wide, though armor and weapon restrictions by type will still exist. Is there confirmation that my admittedly tired and migraineous sleuthing can’t find?
It’s going to be account wide — they mentioned it during the WoW Systems Panel at BlizzCon. In addition to armor and weapons, we’ll also be able to save shirts, tabards, and weapon enchants. In other news, I have absolutely no idea what I’m going to do with all that free bank space. Guess we’ll find out when Legion launches!
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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