The Queue: Selfie with myself

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
Mitch was very kind on last week’s leveling stream — when I missed an opportunity to take a selfie with a larger-than-life ogre-ordering version of me, he filled in for a makeshift version. Now if we could keep Alex from photobombing, that would be great. Let’s get down to the business of answering questions, shall we?
Q4tQ: My ilvl is 696. I am a few tomes away from my legendary ring, so bump that up a bit. I am no longer able to attend my guild’s raids due to my work schedule. I have normal HFC experience up to Mannoroth (haven’t killed yet). How should I go about raising my ilvl so I can get into a Moose Mount run?
If you haven’t started working on upgrading your gear with Valor, that might be a good and workable way to bump up your ilvl. Jumping in and doing some Mythic dungeons when you’ve got time to do so would be a good idea too, since you can get your hands on some pretty high ilvl gear from those. You’re pretty close as it stands, so take a look at your lowest ilvl pieces, and try to replace or upgrade those first. You might also want to keep your eyes peeled for crafted gear, too!
Q4tQ: Considering everything that the Infinite Dragonflight tried to do in WoW (that we know of) and all the things that has happened in Warcraft Lore (all the deaths, the destruction, the atrocities etc), do you think the Infinite are/were right to alter significant events?
This is one of those questions that we just don’t have the answer to, because we don’t have the full context of the question just yet. Mainly, we don’t really know what the Infinite were really trying to do — it’s been said that they were trying to bring about the Hour of Twilight, but this was supposedly to avoid an even worse fate. Given what we saw in End Time, one has to wonder what could possibly be worse than that.
What do you think tailors will do when the wardrobe makes large bag obsolete? Not sure what my bank will be for.
I don’t think bags are going to be suddenly made obsolete with the introduction of the Wardrobe — not by a long shot. Those of us that have been obsessively collecting gear and armor sets for transmog will simply find something else new and interesting to collect and fill our bags with. Trust me, I know I’m going to have a lot of empty bags come Legion, but I also know without a doubt that they’ll be full again soon enough. If my bags aren’t bursting by level 110, I’ll be very surprised.
What systems could add interest to the game in the gap from last patch to new expansion?
Scenarios. If they popped in a good 3-4 scenarios between now and when Legion launches, I think people would be happy. Something story-driven regarding the events post-Hellfire Citadel and pre-Legion, both normal and heroic version, with the heroic version awarding Valor. It doesn’t have to be much, but it’d give people something new to do and some new story to chew on before Legion arrives.
Does any lore concerning Heroes’ Raven Lord or Grandmaster exist?
A little! But not much. The Raven Lord is the ruler of the Raven Court — The Cursed Hollow and Haunted Mines maps are both considered part of the realm of the Raven Lord. He supposedly controls the realm’s sun, which kind of brings him in line almost with the arakkoa of Warcraft lore, in a way. But little is known about the Raven Lord himself, beyond the small tidbits we’ve seen in game. He’s in conflict with the Grave Keeper over the Towers of Doom, which he wants to bring into his own territory, but beyond that, there’s not a lot we know about the guy. Blizzard said a little about the guy during the 2014 Developer Q&A, but I don’t think we’ve really heard mention of him since.
As for Grandmaster, I don’t think there’s any lore surrounding that, or none that I could find, anyway.
Fav out of way quest/line with sweet gear models that people probably havent done? like in an old zone no one does or vash’jr
There are two really pretty and unique cloth robe models lurking on Azuremyst and Bloodmyst Isle — both of them are obviously Alliance-only, unfortunately. The Fur-Covered Robe comes from a quest called Gurf’s Dignity, which you get from a item dropped by Murgurgla on the coast of Azuremyst. A different colored version is the Robe of the Dragon Slayer, which you can get over on Bloodmyst Isle from completed a series of quests given by Prince Toreth. The robe is one of the final quest rewards in the chain he gives you. Both quests are a little out of the way, but the robes are so nice that I always end up picking them up on Alliance clothies.
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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