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The QueueMar 1, 2016 11:00 am CT

The Queue: It’s never just you

Welcome to The Queue, Blizzard Watch’s column that discusses all of Blizzard’s games. You ask the questions and we answer them.

I haven’t gotten to play my leveling stream DK in a while. So here’s a picture from when she was a gnome.


Q4tQ: How good is the Battleworn Thrash Blade as a heirloom? It only scales your stamina and gives you a chance to double damage on each hit, but most of your damage comes from your stats… I’m not sure how reliable it is…

Back in the day, the actual Thrash Blade was awesomesauce. You can see folks discussing the weapon in this old comment thread on the Thrash Blade. To quote a comment from 2011 —

For those that don’t know, the extra attack isn’t really an extra attack. It’s a duplication of whatever attack caused the proc. Played around with this a lot, on a bunch of different weapons with thrash effects, and its always the same. Any melee ability, up to and including, auto attacks, poison procs, melee class abilities, shield slam, SHIELD SPIKES!, fiery enchant procs, EXECUTE and virtually anything else that involves bashing an enemy in melee can and will be duplicated if a thrash effect procs because of it. Even hand of justice trinket behaves the same way. Apparently, all melee range effects assume you’re using your main hand, so as long it’s in your main hand it works. DOES NOT work for ranged. Though I’ve only tested the hierloom and hand of justice on my hunter, so who knows, one of the others might have a loop hole in their script.

Items tested with include Blinkstrike, Thrash Blade, Thrash Blade (hierloom), Flurry Axe, Ironfoe, and Hand of justice, on my Fury/Prot warrior.

There’s no reason I can think of that the proc shouldn’t behave in the same manner. If it does, then the heirloom is probably slightly better for a Rogue or Warrior than another weapon, because it can duplicate any and all of your special attacks. So instead of just getting an extra attack, you can get an extra Bloodthirst or Raging Blow or Execute or some Rogue ability (I don’t play Rogues much).

If I were you I’d give it a try. Assuming it procs as often as it once did, and in the same way it did, it’s an excellent weapon. If they’ve drastically altered the proc chance or what it does (perhaps when they introduced PPM mechanics) then it will likely be less good.


Am I the only reader who didn’t like 5.1? I didn’t like that the quests were gated by dailies. I hated the dailies. I’m not saying I hate dailies, I’m saying I hated these particular dailies. I hated the rep grind associated. The concept and storyline of the chain was fine (even though I never really got into the Pandaria lore very much) but felt so drawn out in some places. If I couldn’t play for one day here or there and had to slog through the gating/dailies, I even forgot what was happening in the main quest chain.

I would much rather just get to do a long quest line at my own pace and not feel like I have to fill in with tedious dailies that didn’t feel attached to the main plot. Additionally, once the big chain was over I had no desire to do it on an alt of the same faction (I did do it once on Horde and Alliance, just to see if maybe I was missing something) and the entire patch was just zzzz from there.

I’m glad that some people liked it. I do love long quest chains and I would love to see more. But I just wanted to chime in that not everyone thought that patch was perfection. In fact, 5.1 was around the time that my friends and I took our first long break from WoW.. ever.

You are never going to be the only person who hated anything.

Whatever it is, whatever the general consensus about a thing is, there will be those who disagree with it. For example, I don’t think Wrath of the Lich King was all that, and the more people try and convince me it was the best WoW has ever been, the more I remember actually playing in Wrath — the more others push the view of Wrath as the best expansion ever the less I can even think of anything to like about it.

I happened to like 5.1, and thought it was a nice departure from the reputation grinds that preceded it. I liked that it wasn’t exactly locked to daily quests in the same way as the previous patch had been, and that you could actually unlock new story several times in a week instead of once a week like we see with the Garrison Campaign. But there’s plenty of people who didn’t like it. It’s not just you.

It’s never just you. Ever. So many people have played WoW over the years (over 100 million unique accounts and that was back in 2014) that no matter what opinion you have, you’re almost certainly not going to be the only one. Some people loved Cataclysm. Some people love Warlords.

It will never just be you. You will never be the only one.


Now that Warlords is functionally done, what did you like about Garrisons? What do you think they did well? Not what you thought would be cool but wasn’t; not what you would’ve liked; and not jokes about liking “waiting days for my profession buildings to produce mats” or “waiting for missions to finish”, but stuff you enjoyed.

I’ve written about Garrisons at length. If you’re dying to know all my thoughts about them, that post is pretty much exactly that. If you want a TL:DR of my thoughts on Garrisons:

  1. I thought Garrisons were extremely well integrated into the leveling experience. They worked well as a home base you ventured forth to explore Draenor from, and I felt like they were extremely fitting in that context.
  2. I like just hanging out in my Garrison and watching the NPC’s, especially my various followers. I think that’s really cool.
  3. I like how the Alliance Garrison looks. The Horde one… I’m not a big fan of Frostfire, sorry.


Q4tq: on the subject of timewalking,  would you agree that implementing it for past raids,  making them available at max level with appropriate gear, would be a good way to alleviate content droughts? Sick of running Hfc three times a week? Well good news, this week you can also run Sunwell! It’d have to be restricted so you couldn’t just farm the ‘easier’ timewalking raid instead of bashing your head against the latest boss,  but it’d be a nice way of mixing it up, I think, whilst also making those old raids relevant and accessible for newcomers.

The part of me that loved raiding would be all over this idea, but I recognize several problems to overcome with it.

  1. Raids tend to drop a ton of gear, and all that gear would have to be updated and made to scale just as Timewalking dungeon gear does.
  2. Tier sets, especially token based ones. They might actually be easier to upgrade, but imagine Timewalking Icecrown Citadel? With three sets of gear (normal, Sanctified, and Heroic Sanctified) per role? That could be a gigantic pain.
  3. Timewalking Molten Core is going to be a lot easier than Timewalking Siege of Orgrimmar. Raid mechanics have definitely gotten more complex over the years. Just saying.

Still, I’m all for it, I would love to be able to run Blackwing Lair for a max level Untamed Blade.

Okay, that’s The Queue for Tuesday. I’ll see you guys Friday.

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