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Overwatch 2Mar 3, 2016 5:00 pm CT

Overwatch: Tracer skins and Victory Poses

Overwatch’s new rewards system has all kinds of goodies for players, including a variety of new skins, sprays, voice emotes, victory poses, and other purely cosmetic rewards. Getting these rewards is pretty simple: Play the game, level your character, earn loot boxes, and the goodies are all yours! If you happen to get a repeat in your loot box, you’ll pick up currency instead of loot — and that currency can be saved up and used to purchase rewards directly.

Skins range anywhere from simple color changes to full-on new suits of armor, fun costumes, and more. Generally speaking, the more outlandish the skin, the more it’s going to cost if you want to make a direct purchase. Some skins, like Tracer’s Slipstream skin, aren’t available for purchase — the Slipstream skin is part of the Overwatch Origins Edition. In addition to skins, heroes can pick up Victory Poses — a way to distinguish yourself in the team line up after successfully winning a match. Check out Tracer’s skins and Victory Poses in the gallery below.

Tracer skins and Victory Poses

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