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The QueueApr 24, 2016 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Adorable birdies

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!

Pepe may be the wildly popular bird in Warlords, but while poking around Kun-Lai on the leveling stream, we discovered another adorable bird perched on a windowsill. I guess he wasn’t interested in hitching a ride on people’s heads in Pandaria — but he’s awfully adorable, don’t you think?


Alpha Q4tQ: Can I level my character with my DPS Artifact, but use all my Artifact Power for leveling my Healing Artifact?

I haven’t tested this, so keep in mind I’m not really 100% certain. But given that the Artifact power items you get are just drops, and they aren’t actually applied to the weapon until you use them, I’d give that a tentative yes. There’s nothing on the items to indicate they’re only for the weapon you have equipped when you get them — you just use them when it’s convenient and the Artifact power is applied to your equipped weapon. So if you change your spec and swap out your weapon before using the items, it stands to reason the Artifact power would go on your healing weapon.


So wait. Wait. With the level scaling, does that essentially mean it doesn’t matter what order I do the Legion zones in?

Mostly, yes! Highmountain, Stormheim, Val’Sharah and Azsuna are able to be completed in any order, however you’d like. Suramar is a max-level zone — you can’t start there. But the other four can be done in whatever order you want.


Just how important is server population these days? Is it worth moving from a low pop server to a high pop server?

It depends on the server and what you’d like to do. With the advent of connected realms and cross-realm activities, it’s lessened the troubles of being on a low-pop server to a degree. Whether or not it’s worth it to move to a high-pop realm is really up to you — lower population servers don’t tend to have the most thriving economy, and it’s a little more difficult to find organized activities like endgame raiding, PVP, or even roleplay, if that’s your thing.


What’s the current status of FLIGHT in Legion?

Nonexistent! No really, they only just allowed people to get to max level, I don’t think anyone’s deliberately gone looking for flight just yet. From what we heard at last year’s BlizzCon, it’ll be something you can obtain in a way that’s similar to how we got it in Warlords. Will it be unlocked day one of the expansion? No idea — I haven’t heard a peep on that one yet.


What’s the difference between Highkeeper, Keeper, and Prime Designate?

Keepers, or “watchers,” are titan-forged entities that were empowered by the Pantheon. They aren’t Titans, but they were tasked with watching over the Titans creations and keeping everything running smoothly on Azeroth.

What’s the difference between a Keeper and a Highkeeper? There doesn’t really seem to be one. Ra is the only one who carried that title, and my best guess is that he is Highkeeper because he was empowered by the Highfather of the Pantheon, Aman’Thul.

As for Prime Designate, that’s the title for the Keeper in charge of all titan-forged. Originally that was Odyn, but Loken managed to snake his way into that position later on.


What’s your guess for the pre patch event release date?

Given that the expansion launches on Tuesday, August 30, I am going to make an educated guess of Tuesday, July 26. That’s one month before the expansion comes out.

I’m going to repeat: This is only a guess. Don’t take it too seriously.


What does Legerdemain Lounge definitely need?

There’s a certain orange furball it could definitely use. Bonus points if there are kittens running around, too!


Can we change the name to Fjarnsqueueggl?


That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!

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