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DiscussionMay 18, 2016 8:00 am CT

Breakfast Topic: Let us transmog to old Legendaries

Recently it was announced that the legendaries that will be dropping in Legion will be available to transmog to and from. For me, this is the last straw that breaks the back of the argument for not allowing us to transmog to and from older legendaries like Sulfuras, Shadowmourne, Val’anyr or Atiesh.

I was already pretty unconvinced by the argument that we shouldn’t be able to transmog to the appearance of a legendary because then people will just use those all the time by the existence of Artifacts. I mean, every Ret Paladin is going to be using Ashbringer, letting one mog to Sulfuras or Shadowmourne is a nice change of pace at that point.

Artifacts remove the idea of certain weapons being so cool and awesome that you shouldn’t see everyone using them by being weapons so cool and awesome that everyone’s going to use them. At this point, if a Rogue wants to use the Warglaives of Azzinoth or Thunderfury instead of the Outlaw Rogue Artifact swords, I say let her do so.

It’s not keeping anything cool or unique anymore, it’s just being restrictive.

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