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The QueueJun 2, 2016 11:00 am CT

The Queue: Nope, nope, nope, nope

Today, I’m feeling kind of nostalgic for Wand Spec. And, really, after I mentioned it, aren’t you feeling it, too? Alas, the ranged weapon prowess of caster classes has been removed so there’s little to do but mourn the great wand transmogs we’ve collected, never to be used.



QFTQ: Given the ‘Azerothian Adventurers’ that creep into lore novels, and the fact that our player characters are going to be the leaders of their respective classes, do you think there will be any recognition of a ‘lead’ player character in lore? Like all of a sudden there’s a new lore figure that was the supposed figurehead of <insert class here> during Legion?

Mitch: This isn’t entirely my forte, buuuut I think it’ll either be avoided/glossed over (“a strong [class] led his/her people to victory!”) or will use the in-game lore figures as leaders. I don’t think all classes have them, but there are definitely 3 “major” figureheads for Priests. Demon Hunters have a choice between two leaders for the Illidari, but Blizzard has added choices like these before and then made a decision about what’s considered canon (see: Ji Firepaw surviving Siege of Orgimmar).

Liz: I think things would be too convoluted to do anything other than gloss over it… but it depends on how the story goes. If they need a character doing specific things that your player character may or may not have done, they’re going to have to slot in an NPC leader. But Blizzard could also structure things so we’re still leading the class next expansion, in which case it’s easy to just get away with “leader” or “hero” for every reference.


Why is there such a stark difference between the Alliance and Horde garrisons? I’m currently leveling my first Alliance toon through WoD and I was shocked at how nice the place is. There’s a damn fountain in the middle of it! Know what my Hordies have in the middle of theirs? A bonfire, to stave off the endlessly falling snow.

Mitch: I’ll be honest, I don’t get the hate for the Horde garrison. Yes, it is objectively not as nice looking — but! It fits the Horde perfectly fine, if you ask me. Compare Orgrimmar to Stormwind for a second. Stormwind is full of different, organized sections, tall cathedrals, and a castle for its king complete with steps, a fountain, and a long walkway to the throne. Orgrimmar, if you look at it from above, may as well be a hole dug in sand by a kid trying to see which way the water will flow and right here up front is the bucket where the king goes. And that’s not a complaint about it, either. It’s just what it is. It’s the aesthetic of the Orcs, and it’s mirrored in the garrison. (Also, if Blizz had put a fountain there, players would complain and say a fire would have made more sense.)

Liz: That’s the whole problem. Orc architecture is terrible. Blizzard has been playing up this MORE SPIKES aesthetic for ages and it’s terrible. Everything about it is terrible. I wish there were more options here, honestly. My Horde character is a Blood Elf, so why am I building this hideous log and spike thing? I am above this brutish style. But this is apparently what you get for being allied with Orcs…

Mitch: Oh, I totally agree there. I could go on and on and on about how totally would transfer in a heartbeat if you could choose Forsaken architecture but… that’s an article in itself. I get that Orcs aren’t necessarily players’ favorite aesthetic, but the garrison is definitely not out of place for what Blizz wanted in WoD.

Liz: I do like the snow, though. I would just prefer to admire it from the comfort of a soft chair inside a luxurious golden tower. I don’t think I’m asking for much here.


I already bought tickets to see Warcraft when it opens here, next Friday, June 10. Anyone else locked and loaded?

Mitch: Heck yes I have tickets! The theatre nearby actually has big, comfy seats and reserved seating. I’m taking my little brothers to see it on Thursday night and we have center seats all lined up and ready to go. They don’t really know Warcraft all that well and have never been to a movie premiere, so I’m excited on all counts. Even if the movie isn’t a critical success, I’m betting they’re gonna have a blast and that alone has me super excited.

Liz: I’m waiting for tickets at the local Alamo Drafthouse to show up. Right now they don’t have tickets for everything next week, and the only Thursday Warcraft showings are on the other side of town. Which I hope changes when the full schedule comes out because otherwise I’ll need to log out of the Thursday livestream and spend an hour or two getting through rush hour traffic to the theater. I would so much rather not do that. (But after you’ve seen a movie at the Drafthouse getting a ticket at the local Cinemark is just not going to happen.)


Are wands gone in Legion? I don’t see any spec with an artifact one.

Mitch: Technically wands are a thing, but you’re also correct in that no spec has one as an Artifact, which… effectively makes them not a thing. Transmog restrictions haven’t been lifted on them, which means you won’t be able to transmog anything to a wand that isn’t already a wand. I’ll stop here because I have some thoughts about the choice of Artifact weapon for some classes… grumble grumble

Liz: Remember wand spec for Priests? I remember wand spec. Oh, those were the good old days. Or. Uhm. Not at all.


If it’s Thursday tomorrow, that means Liz’Mitch will be doing the queue…..

*thinks about new entry to 2 Bosses Enter…..*


Stitches vs Roadhog vs Patchwerk

Mitch: Jay, give me a break! Were the old Two Bosses Enter columns weekly?

Liz: They were, so I assume Jay’s just trying to keep us on schedule.

Mitch: I’ve just played like 15 or so games of Hero League trying to rank in HotS and I had a lot of success on Stitches so…. STITCHES WINS! That’s it. That’s the answer. Y’all can fight over it in the comments if you disagree.

Liz: No one wins on this Two/Three Bosses Enter. Especially not us.

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