Breakfast Topic: How do you prefer your progress?

This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Ion Hazzikostas and J. Allen Brack about the state of World of Warcraft. One of the topics we talked briefly about was the new Legion outdoor area Suramar which is a max level zone so it isn’t about leveling. It has different progression mechanics and this got the two talking about they even have considered an expansion without leveling at all.
I know some players dread the level grind when an expansion hits. They just want to get to max level as quickly as possible to get all their new abilities, unlock all the dungeons and raids, and get right to the endgame content.
Other players, like myself. greatly enjoy the leveling process, the exploration involved in the working through the outdoor zones and taking the time to enjoy the game on the way to the endgame content which just becomes a grind fest anyway.
Which do you prefer? Leveling and exploring outdoor zones through questing or getting to the endgame content ASAP to raid, PvP, gear grind, etc.?
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