The Tomb of Sargeras is coming to WoW in patch 7.2

One of the big reveals from yesterday’s Legion — What’s Next panel was that in patch 7.2 we’re going to get the Tomb of Sargeras raid. But that’s not all — the ramp up to the Tomb itself will be felt throughout the Broken Isles and culminate in a full scale onslaught on the Broken Shore. How will we, as players, be exploring the Broken Shore and opening up this new content coming in patch 7.2?
To the Broken Shore
The Alliance and Horde didn’t get the job done at the Broken Shore. Varian and Vol’jin both died for their respective people, and the Legion was left free to expand and threaten the world. Now the two factions are too mired in division and conflict to work together.
Enter the Class Orders. The various sellswords, spell slingers, avengers of nature, and more have decided that they can’t wait for the factions to step up, and they’re moving to take the fight to the Legion. Alongside the new Armies of Legionfall reputation faction, the Order Hall Campaigns will continue with all new quests to move the story of Azeroth’s counterattack forward. Elements of this almost sound like old school Warcraft as you capture old buildings and convert them to Nether Disruptor, Command Center, or Mage Tower structures — and there will also be all new World Quests in the area to help as you make your way to the foot of the Tomb.
But it’s not just going to be us pushing against the Legion. Because the Legion decides to push back as well.
The Legion’s revenge
The Legion assault on Azeroth continues even as we’re pushing into the Broken Shore. Legion Assaults will be familiar if you played the pre-Legion Invasion event, with the zones of the Broken Isles (Val’sharah, Stormheim, Azsuna, Suramar, and Highmountain) coming under sustained attack by Legion forces. This time, these assaults will be part of the World Quest system — a zone’s usual compliment of WQ’s will be replaced with new Assault WQ’s, which will still count for any Emissary quests if they’re up for that zone’s usual faction.
In addition, the Assaults will end with three person scenarios (similar to Mists of Pandaria scenarios) where you take the battle to the Legion above the zones in their massive fortress-ships.
The Tomb awaits
Finally, there’s the Tomb of Sargeras itself: it includes a 9-boss raid zone and a 4-boss, 5-player dungeon, the Cathedral of Eternal Night. The dungeon serves as the opening act of the Tomb, so to speak, as players ascend the Temple of Elune’s ancient spire, defeat a series of Legion commanders and use the Aegis of Aggramar to open the way into the depths of the Tomb itself. The raid follows with players descending through the old Temple of Elune, fighting Naga and other horrors before coming to the ancient chamber where the Avatar of Sargeras itself awaits.
Players who defeat that monstrosity must still face the Legion invasion’s ultimate commander, Kil’jaeden himself, and then use the Pillars of Creation to save Azeroth…for now.
At present, we still don’t know most of the bosses in the raid, nor do we know any of the bosses in Cathedral of Eternal Night. The Tomb of Sargeras and the content to open it are all coming in patch 7.2, so keep watching here and we’ll give you the news once it’s released.
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