The Queue: Secret garden

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I was delighted but also a little mystified when we stumbled into the Hanging Gardens in the Cathedral of Eternal Night. Gardens were definitely not something I was expecting when we wandered into the zone. I mean sure, the place appeared to have been connected to Suramar at one point in time, but from what I was aware, this section of the Broken Isles was the one that Gul’dan lifted from the seas of Azeroth.
Were the gardens underwater all this time? Did the Nightborne start tending to the place at some point after Gul’dan raised it from the depths of the ocean? I don’t know if we’ll ever get an answer to that one — but I appreciated the unexpected burst of pretty scenery in the middle of all the fel green.
QftQ: Anyone know if Legion flying is account wide once earnt or if it is Character only
It is in fact account-wide and applies to all your characters regardless of their level — which should make leveling in the Broken Isles a little bit easier for alts. Basically, it works the same way as it did in Warlords. The only thing that might take a little while to complete is the reputation requirement, but that shouldn’t be too long — if you keep doing world quests out on the Broken Shore, you should be flying in no time. And by “no time,” I mean a couple of weeks.
Is there much difference to the Horde leveling experience in Legion? Maybe just a few parts of Stormheim? I used to be interested in playing the other faction just to get their point of view, but not sure it is worthwhile in Legion.
Having done both several times over, I have to say…no, not really! The biggest difference is in Stormheim, where the introduction is — understandably — very different depending on if you’re playing Alliance or Horde. Other zones aren’t that heavily faction-based, so there aren’t really any major changes. Occasionally you’ll run into different NPC responses if you’re Horde or Alliance (Tyrande in Val’Sharah for example), but for the most part, both experiences are identical.
We don’t actually have an answer for that one. But I think it’s probably safe to say that after his defeat at the Black Temple, Maiev wasn’t about to just, you know, store him with his weaponry. That’s just asking for trouble, you know?
Q4TQ: Is there a location in WoW that just stops you in your tracks? Some place you’re almost compelled to go to whenever you’re nearby?
There’s usually one every expansion — with Burning Crusade it was Nagrand, with Wrath it was the waterfall in Sholazar Basin, in Cataclysm it was Nordrassil, in Mists of Pandaria it was the first set of waterfalls you run into Horde side — there’s a Ancient Pandaren Tea Pot treasure nearby that I still have on my Rogue. For some reason it didn’t feel right to sell it. In Warlords, pretty much every place the Botani have taken over — the Everbloom is just insanely gorgeous. In Legion, Suramar has a stranglehold on that spot. I could explore that city for hours — I’m pretty sure I still haven’t seen everything.
So say the mage tower wins and goes up for its three days. Are all the resources contributed to the other buildings lost? Is it possible for multiple buildings to be active at one time?
Nope! The other buildings still retain their resources. If you plan it right, all three buildings can be up at the same time — although I don’t think that’s likely to happen, as people are really enthusiastic about that mage tower. I suspect the only time the other buildings are going to see any real progress is when the mage tower is already up and running. We’ll have to wait and see, though.
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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