The Queue: A very bad yak

Welcome back to The Queue, our daily Q&A feature for all of Blizzard’s games! Have a question for the Blizzard Watch staff? Leave it in the comments!
This is not a good yak. I know he might look fluffy and inviting. I know you’d really like to pet him, or maybe feed him a carrot or whatever yaks like to eat. But you should probably avoid doing both of these things, because he is a very bad yak. Trust me, this yak has no good intentions towards you. He’s the worst.
Q4tQ:. What is your head canon for certain spells? When my warlock casts Chaos Bolt. He reaches into his bag soul shards, wiggles fingers and speaks a demonic cantrip that causes those uninitiated with the Fel to bleed from the eyes. The imprisoned soul, who basically exists in a solitary confinement; where one does not even know the occasional mercy of sleep. Feels itself catch fire, and begins to shout in agony. Returning to the warlock’s POV. The felfireball has just been ejected from his palm and takes the shape of the soul’s skull. Recall that warlock’s murder many dragons in the course of leveling up, so that’s the typical form. The ‘wooshing’ noise made by the bolt’s passage through the air is the soul wheezing in pain.
I like to think that every time my Shaman casts a spell there’s a lot of ominous clouds, wind and dramatic hair-whipping going on, particularly with Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning. But I have to say I definitely haven’t given it as much thought as you have! I think it’s because when I’m doing RP I’m not typically doing combat situations, so it just doesn’t come up all that often.
She actually spawns right next to a regular rare spawn — it’s possible people are mistaking her for the rare. One of these you can solo, the other…not so much. It’s the first time we’ve seen her, so it’s understandable that people might get a little confused! I feel like they should make her larger, just so it’s a little more immediately apparent that this is a very big something you probably don’t want to punch without backup.
Having a beast master hunter as one of my many alts, this just hit me last night. When we move on to the next expansion I will no longer have two pets fighting by my side. Much sadness to be found even after moving Dog.
…man I didn’t even think about that until you mentioned it. I’ve gotten so used to having Hati around that it didn’t really occur to me that good old Sparky will be retiring once I’m no longer using Thunderstrike. I’m kind of bummed out now. I hope they do something that allows us to keep Hati, in one form or another — even just as a single pet.
QftQ: Were the Sunreavers ever welcomed back into Dalaran? If not, why is there a group of them at the very top of the main spire of the Violet Citadel?
Yes. That’s part of the reason Jaina left — she didn’t want the Horde back in Dalaran, and she really didn’t want Horde Mages allowed back into the Kirin Tor. The Artifact quest for Fire Mages actually involves Aethas Sunreaver working on a way to reclaim his original position in the Kirin Tor. You don’t have to roll and level a Fire Mage to experience it, you can play through the quest with a trial character if you just want to see how that story plays out.
Question for the Queue: How many other rogues that have flying use the plank to exit and leave class hall now? I don’t even go through Dalaran anymore, just fly to the plank and take tunnel to enter class hall.
…I completely forgot that plank was there. Oh man, I know what I’m going to be doing all the time from now on — thanks for the reminder!
I don’t know if I feel more powerful exactly, but I do know that playing Assassination really didn’t change enough between Warlords and now for me to notice anything out of place. I didn’t have to learn any new playstyles or anything, I could just keep going the way I’d always been. Crimson Vial is definitely an addition I appreciate. It’s nice to have something in the toolkit for when I’m low health.
Overall, I’m pretty happy with it — I mean I’m not raiding currently, so I don’t really look at my DPS numbers. I just look at the fact that stuff dies and I don’t, which is more than enough for me. …I wouldn’t say no to a return of Burst of Speed, though. I miss zooming around.
That’s it for today’s Queue — if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, be sure to leave them in the comments below!
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