What sort of randomly generated content should WoW have in the future?

One of the features of the recent Lucid Nightmare mount hunt I missed during my first go-through was the way the Endless Halls worked. I mean, obviously I saw how it was working on a surface level — make players go in random directions enough until they become as mad as the Old Gods that seem to have inspired the maze. But mechanically, the Endless Halls are something you don’t really see in World of Warcraft.
Each and every player who enters the Halls is confronted with their own version of them. This is part of what adds to the difficulty — there isn’t a secret to solving this part of the puzzle, and there’s no single layout someone can point to and go, “Follow this.” In short, the Endless Halls is a randomly generated dungeon.
This is the fact that escaped me at first; it didn’t even occur to me that this wasn’t the sort of technology we see in WoW, especially not in dungeons. However, some people noticed and immediately wondered if this had implications for the future of WoW content. After all, if it’s shown to work here, what’s stopping the WoW team from using it elsewhere?
Perhaps we could see scenarios return, only this time, at least some of them take place in a randomly generated instance. Or maybe the designers go all-in and decide to make a 5-player dungeon with its own randomly generated layout. Maybe this technology gets used in some sort of holiday update. Perhaps these are modified slightly to provide a little more direction, but turned into solo challenge instances.
Whatever the case, I’m excited to see if the game gets more content like this, and how it will be implemented if so. The Endless Halls could be frustratingly difficult at times, but there’s certainly potential for a less tedious, more rewarding implementation.
What do you all think? Does randomly generated content have a place in WoW? If so, how would you see it implemented? Or do you hate this idea altogether?
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