Are you participating in the Lunar Festival?
I didn’t actually intend to start gathering Coins of Ancestry, it just…happened. Look, I’m mostly done with WoW’s holidays. I’ve finished all associated achievements, so there’s just no reason to participate, unless I’d like to hunker down for a wild round of “Will that holiday boss drop its exceedingly rare mount this year.” But two things led to my sudden bout of gathering this year. First, I’m playing an alt, and nabbing those coins is a pretty easy way to earn some good XP.
Second and more importantly, have you seen the flower crowns they added this year? They’re gorgeous. I want them all. The only maddening thing about that is that I literally cannot get all four on a single character — there aren’t enough Elders on Azeroth for that. Yes, obtaining a helm adds it to my account-wide wardrobe. But you can only transmog to the flower crowns during the Lunar Festival. If you want to wear one at any point during the rest of the year, you need the physical item.
So I have to pick and choose which crowns I’d like to get on which character. It’s annoying, but the models for the helms are totally worth it. I’ve already gotten a level and a half’s worth of XP from hunting down Elders, so it’s also worth it to finish them off, limited-time flower crowns aside. What about you guys? Are you participating in the Lunar Festival? Are you collecting flower crowns this year? Or are you ignoring the event entirely? Do you use holidays to level your alts? Are you still paying attention to WoW holidays, or do you just let them pass you by?
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