The Queue: Trust us, we’re professionals

Turns out today’s Queue has quite a few questions about professions to answer.
The picture of Sigryn is just because I want playable Vrykul already.
Q4tQ If Doc Holiday really is the Fisher King then why didn’t his weapon break at the O.K. Corral?
First off, thanks for reading my first book. If you haven’t read the others, please do.
Secondly, his weapon wasn’t his gun.
Q4tQ: Archimonde and Kil’jaeden weren’t killed in the Twisting Nether, and we’ve seen that Eredar follow the same rules as traditional demons in that they can come back from a death outside the TN. This means in theory that Archimonde and KJ can become defacto leaders of the Legion. Should we expect yet another Legion plot in WoW or do you think they’re done with that?
I doubt we’ll see either of those guys any time soon, if at all. Leaving out the fact that thanks to Antorus we now have a huge hard to reconcile monkey wrench in the whole ‘demons have always been able to return from the Twisting Nether’ idea — Turalyon and Alleria say that with Argus freed from Antorus the Legion won’t be able to maintain their endlessly resurrecting army, but that doesn’t take into account that the whole reason Sargeras built Mardum in the first place was that demons kept returning from the Twisting Nether after he killed them.
So who knows? If Antorus was the reason the demons were able to return from death, well, we dealt with that and neither Archimonde nor Killy J should be able to come back. Also, I’ve seen it argued that because Archimonde died on a world poisoned by the Legion and Killy J died in the skies above Argus that neither was coming back anyway, but that contradicts several quests on Argus itself, like the one where you kill a demon and Turalyon personally says “She’ll come back eventually but Sargeras will have her tortured for a while” or the Krokul flat out say that any demon they’ve killed on Argus just comes back.
But if those two do make a return, don’t expect it for a while. I expect Blizzard will want to move forward. Even if faking his own death and waiting for everyone to focus on other threats so he could usurp Sargeras is exactly the kind of thing Kil’jaeden would do.
QftQ: right now crafting professions (tailoring, enchanting, etc) are in need of a rework to make them relevant, there’s not much to do with any of them and leveling a profession is a waste of time because the only useful stuff is at level cap. What changes would you think are needed to make them fun and/or useful again?
I’m not sure I’ve ever felt like professions were fun, as such. This is clearly a subjective issue, but I’ve had an enchanter since Vanilla — originally leveled him because my wife’s Bone-Slicing Hatchets needed Agility enchants — and I’ve never actually found it fun. Tedious, somewhat of an annoyance? Sure. I still remember grinding that one tower in the Plaguelands for the Crusader enchant back in the day, hour upon painful hour of killing the same mobs over and over and over again for days until finally it dropped. Wouldn’t call that fun.
What I’d love is if ever crafting profession had a cool transmog set. Like, if tailors made a cool sweeping armored robes look, leatherworkers made an awesome stealthy assassin look, blacksmiths made this towering armor set and all were useable by any class, so if you were a blacksmith and a Mage you could look like you were a plate clad battlemage. I think that would be fun.
But in terms of making it all useful, maybe we could just make the stuff you make less of a horrible slog to make and let the upgrade be less tedious? I know they want it to have to compete with dungeons and such, but in Legion, I’ve only ever used one crafted item and that was an Engineering hat because it had a gun strapped to a pair of goggles. Otherwise, they simply haven’t been worth the effort.
With the deprecation of First Aid as its own profession, which is preferable, leaving secondaries at three, or will a new fourth be added? What real world skill could be adapted would you want to see added?
I’d prefer they not add another profession, even a secondary one like First Aid was. I mean, come on. I barely used First Aid, I haven’t leveled Cooking since Mists, and I never fish. I know some folks do and I appreciate it, but think about the weird state Archaeology is in and then imagine them making a new profession. I feel like Blizzard doesn’t know when something could be simple and if we got Carpentry or what have you, they’d load it up with stuff where you had to kill rare mobs to make that table you want.
Plus, I get why stuff like Cooking, Fishing and First Aid were things anybody could do. But why is Archaeology considered an everyperson skill? I don’t know about y’all, but I very rarely dig up anything priceless and old and I don’t even have a bullwhip or a hat.
Just leave it as it is. Seriously, the last thing I need is to have to do six quests in Mythic dungeons to get that Armoire.
The post about Silithus made me curious – do we have any confirmation of what actually happened to the poor people who were at Cenarion Hold when Sargeras went all stabby on Azeroth? I mean, yes, I get that they were probably obliterated, but maybe they got the chance to go druid-bird-form and make it out? (I have only done the Horde-side quests, so if this is addressed Alliance-side, I guess I can take my Alliance spy-alt through LFR and see it for myself.)
I personally would have just used that portal to the Blasted Lands.
I kid. They’re all dead.
Okay, that’s the Queue for this week. I’ll hopefully see you all next week.
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