Are you still interested in Vanilla servers?

It’s been four months — almost five, really — since BlizzCon 2017 and the announcement of WoW Classic. Since then, there hasn’t been a lot of news about them. That’s to be expected — Blizzard was up front that this was just them saying “Yes, we’re going to do this” and not any sort of teaser that they’d be out any time soon. We’re still not sure what form this is even going to take. Classic World of Warcraft ran for more than two years and saw twelve major patches. Which classic WoW will we even get?
But I’m more interested in asking about the excitement level for the idea. Now that you know it’s coming, have had time to really think about what it’ll entail and your own schedule and interests, are you even more excited for this? Are you salivating at the idea of seeing the old world of Azeroth again, before flying mounts and Cataclysm zone changes? Are you looking forward to capping at sixty levels? At not having to see four different kinds of elves in game? And of course, finally returning to the days when only Warriors were taken seriously as tanks? I know quite a few players who’ve wanted classic for years and years now. I doubt a few months has dampened their ardor.
However, I will admit that the past few months have softened my initial reaction to the idea. When it was first announced I was, at best, lukewarm. Now that I’ve had time to think, I don’t expect I’ll be a big player of classic WoW but I’ll likely dip my toe in from time to time. 2004 seems like an awfully long time ago sometimes, and I’m not immune to nostalgic feelings. I’d like to see pre-Cataclysm Desolace again, run dungeons like Scarlet Monastery and UBRS that have since been changed and otherwise explore the game I used to know. Not as a replacement, more as a vacation.
So what about you, gentle reader? Are you excited still, or has the time that’s passed since the announcement cooled your interest?
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