Battle for Azeroth beta goes live with character wipes, new invites, and a Q&A

Surprise! The Battle for Azeroth alpha has leveled up and is now officially the Battle for Azeroth beta. What’s changed? Not a whole lot, to be honest. The major differences between this build and the one that existed a couple hours ago are that characters have been completely wiped, any previously taken names should now be available, and character copies will soon be available.
I’m especially excited about that last one, because it means I get to test out leveling and damage scaling with my live character who is far better geared than the pre-made characters are. Oh, and for anyone who just realized several hours of hard work have been erased forever, there’s some consolation news: No more character wipes are planned for the duration of the beta. Sure, you won’t keep your character or anything once beta ends, but you can at least take solace in the fact that nothing is at risk of being deleted out of the blue.
With the beta, we’re also getting a fresh round of invites for those who have set to receive that Golden Ticket-like email. Keep your eyes peeled for that — or just check your launcher obsessively… it’ll probably show up there before you get the email. If you’ve never checked via the Blizzard Launcher before, just look for the drop-down menu above your “Play” button. If you’re in the beta, you’ll see it there (this is also a great way to know if you’ve received a genuine Blizzard email rather than a phishing-scam one).
And finally, because we’re taking a leap forward with testing, Blizzard has decided to do another Q&A with Game Direction Ion Hazzikostas. The Q&A will be held this Thursday at 11:00 a.m. Pacific and getting your questions to the devs is the same as usual — either post on the forum thread linked below or tweet with the hashtag #WarcraftQA. Hopefully, we get answers to questions that haven’t been asked before, as these Q&As can be hit or miss in terms of actual new information.
You can submit your questions here in this thread or on Twitter by using the hashtag #WarcraftQA.
As a reminder, please keep your questions short (40 words or less) so that we can get to as many questions as possible. We look forward to you joining us live on Tuesday!
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth releases on August 14, 2018.
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