What’s your silliest in-game habit?

I find myself looking for a particular transmog theme in World of Warcraft. The character I’m playing the most is a Night Elf Death Knight, so I have a couple of specific goals. One is to look unique from my Warriors, the other is to try and wear as much Paladin lookalike gear as possible.
Why? I don’t really know. Possibly because the Death Knight is as close as I’m ever going to get to leveling a Pally. I’ve always felt like World of Warcraft uses the Death Knight class as a kind of anti-Paladin (back in old school D&D, anti-Paladins were the demise of many a group through sheer unmanageable player conflict), so it’s always amused me.
“What? Oh, no, I’m totally a Paladin. The pallor? I’ve just been bleached by the Holy Light.”
I realize this is utterly absurd, but it also helps me figure out a look. I’ve got quite a few Paladin lookalike pieces of gear anyway, and it’s nice to find a use for them. I spent a lot of time farming transmog and they drop right along with all the other plate gear. It’s not like I’m not going to collect them.
My Warriors are generally allergic to anything that looks Paladin-eque, but it makes me laugh to imagine my poor Death Knight as a kind of Paladin loving fangirl forever not welcome to the Paladin meetings. Especially after that time she tried to steal Tirion Fordring’s body and raise it as the Fourth Horseman.
“In my defense, you weren’t even using it.”
So now that I’ve shared a goofy little thing I do, it’s your turn. What’s a silly little habit or custom you have in World of Warcraft, or indeed, any Blizzard game? Do you always play as Mercy if you know there’s going to be a Moira on your team? Do you play Witch Doctors just so you can throw spiders at people? Did you level a Gnome Monk entirely so you could throw kegs in people’s faces? Let’s hear it, share your whimsical moments with us.
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