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DiscussionAug 22, 2018 8:00 am CT

What do you collect in-game?

Every expansion, I find one grey item and throw it in my bags — this expansion, I decided a Wooden Horse Carving was the perfect souvenir to cart around. There is absolutely no purpose to this, it’s just a thing that I do. But random grey items aren’t the only things I collect — I tend to pile up screenshots like you wouldn’t believe as well. Transmog is a constant game of collecting armor and weapons. If I get something I can read in-game, like a book or an interesting scroll? That goes in my bags too.

Come to think of it, no wonder my bank is a little cramped at times.

I get like this with pretty much any game I play, to be perfectly honest. I keep a full set of dyes at all times in Diablo, just in case I want to switch up my armor on a whim. In Overwatch, I tend to gravitate towards really wanting certain skins. I don’t have entire collections, but I have the skins I really, really love. I tend to find myself doing the same thing with pretty much any game out there, regardless if it’s Blizzard or not — Dragon Age, Mass Effect, heck even Animal Crossing — although let’s face it, that game is pretty much all about collecting cool furniture and stowing it away.

I don’t really collect a lot of things in the real world — books, mostly — but in games, all bets are off. It’s a virtual space, so I can indulge in keeping the random odd thing or three that I stumble across. I might be the only oddball that collects random grey items, but I know I’m not the only collector out there.

So I want to know — what do you guys collect in games? Do you have a secret stash of certain items? Are you a completionist when it comes to skins in Overwatch or Heroes of the Storm? Have you squirreled away a particular armor set in Diablo? Do you have to have all gold cards in Hearthstone? Are you constantly snapping screenshots? What kind of things do you collect in-game, and what makes those things so appealing to you?

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