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DiscussionAug 23, 2018 8:00 am CT

How far will you go for a new transmog?

Nothing matches my new sword and it’s driving me crazy.

Look, I got a new sword from Heroic Freehold and, for reasons that I can’t pretend I understand, it has a Zandalari Troll model. Now, I get why that model exists, and I’m totally cool with it dropping in King’s Rest, but it feels extremely weird to get it in Freehold instead of something more piratey. But whatever, an upgrade is an upgrade.

Only, I can’t match it with any transmog! It’s a Troll model, and I have avoided the various Troll sets up to this point because they felt overly elaborate to me. But now it’s necessary to match it all up, so I’m farming Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub for appropriately Troll-ish gear. And I’m close — but the colors aren’t quite right, and it’s quite honestly driving me utterly insane. Forget your Old Gods and your Void whispers — you want to reduce me to comical, Lovecraft-pastiche madness? Give me a transmog set for which I have all the right pieces except the boots are the wrong color, and watch as I go utterly mad trying to find boots that match both in style and in color.

So now that I’ve beaten my head against the Cataclysm-era revamps of Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman for the day — curse you, boots that won’t drop — I turn to you, my friends. What are you willing to do for a transmog gone wrong? Will you learn outdated recipes and farm up outdated materials? Yes, you will. We both know you will. It’s what I would do. But seriously, is there any limit to your craving for style? Any look you won’t go the extra distance for? Do you sometimes wake up in the middle of the night realizing you forgot the perfect helmet model is in Cathedral of Eternal Night?

Look, I know I have a problem. This isn’t about me. It’s about you.

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