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BlizzCon > WoWNov 3, 2018 5:51 pm CT

Chris Metzen made a surprise appearance at the WoW Q&A and we are so excited

Q&As tend to be a little bit dry for the most part but there was a big surprise at the WoW Q&A at BlizzCon 2018 — for all involved — when beloved former World of Warcraft Senior Vice President Chris Metzen showed up to ask a question. Chris had two questions. Of course, the first one showed his bias and gift for hype: “HORDE, WHERE YOU AT?”

The crowd broke out of a stunned silence to huge applause and shouts of “FOR THE HORDE!”

The question was apparently a two-parter: “ALLIANCE, WHERE YOU AT?”

The second question Chris brought to the party was a little meatier: “When is the Horde getting their Warchief back?” Alex Afrasiabi started out said he missed Metzen just as much as we did — though he denied that Chris was an audience plant, saying they didn’t know each other. Afrasiabi said there might be a new job posting up in Orgrimmar. “If it happens, we’ll call you,” referencing Metzen’s voice work with Thrall — though Thrall was like three Warchiefs ago. Ancient history, really.

Chris left the mic with a quick “I love you and miss you” to the crowd.

We love you and miss you too, Chris.

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