What would you remove from WoW?

For me it’s fishing.
I know a lot of people like fishing in World of Warcraft, but I am not one of those people. I have never done it, beyond a brief attempt in 2006, because I don’t like fishing in real life and I’m not paying a monthly subscription to pretend to do something I dislike this intensely during my game time. I’ve done some quests that would turn my stomach to do them in real life, but there’s no way you’re getting me to fish. It will not happen.
When they removed First Aid, the first thought that ran through my head was Oh, you kept fishing?
I assume everyone has something they’d remove from the game given half a chance. Over the years I’ve seen the ranged weapon/relic slot go, ammunition for ranged weapons, reagents for Paladin blessings, abilities like Single-Minded Fury and Gladiator Stance — spells, abilities and items come and go. So why not fishing? Why does fishing remain, year in, year out while other aspects of the game are removed?
Probably because I’m in the minority here and a lot of people enjoy it — apparently. But this isn’t about being reasonable, it’s about discussion. So now I ask you — what’s your fishing? What would you yank out of WoW by the roots the way Aman’Thul ripped ol’ Y’Shaarj up out of Azeroth all those millennia ago? Is it mining? Healthstones? I’ve known one Warlock who absolutely hated having to make them. Maybe you’d get rid of Warriors, I’ve had a few people tell me they hate Warriors. What’s the one thing you’d remove from WoW if you had control of the game?
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