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Discussion > WoWDec 13, 2018 8:00 am CT

Do you know how to get around in Battle for Azeroth’s cities?

My Alliance guild has a Horde sister guild, in part because one of our goals is to provide total World of Warcraft content to guild members. But because our mains are Alliance, we don’t play our Horde toons all that much.

We recently did a “Play Your Horde Character” night and I found myself doing a lot of quests in Dazar’alor. “Here, take this to King Rastakhan.” Do I remember how to get to the throne room? Quite a few wrong turns and — oh yeah, two elevators. Turn that in and go off to complete another quest chain. “Take this to King Rastakhan.” Again? On the bright side, after doing this three times, I can go straight to the throne room without turning down a wrong passage. I found the Blacksmithing and Mining Trainers but I have no clue where the scrapper is. I found it once, but I’ll be darned if I remember now where it is. The guards don’t seem to be helpful in that regard, but luckily with the arrival of patch 8.1 I’ll be able to find him thanks to an icon on my map.

I’ve heard from a number of people who say both Boralus and Dazar’alor are extremely confusing. It took me a good couple of months to fully explore Boralus — at least I think I’ve been everywhere. I think what’s confusing about Boralus is the sheer size of it. There are alleys and streets everywhere. Unlike Stormwind or Ironforge, doorways open onto a great many vendors and merchants and just city people. Boralus feels fully lived in.

Dazar’alor — if it were spread out — probably would be comparable in size. I’m just getting my bearings and I still can’t find people but I think what frustrates me is the verticality of the city. There are things on various levels and you need to remember which level to go to. I kept waiting for a guard to say, “you again?” With a few more hours spent in Dazar’alor, I think I’ll get it learned — although there are just as many twists and turns there as there are in Boralus.

So the questions this morning are, have you spent time in both capital cities? Did you find one more bewildering than the other or have both of them taxed your patience for finding things? If you were to help a newcomer to these cities, how would you guide them to the main places to go — like crafters, rulers, or vendors? Which city — irrespective of your allegiance — is laid out better or more intuitively? And the million dollar question, if you could live in either one, which one would it be?

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